Oct 1, 2007

Korrupt with Switch and Sinden at Studio B 9/29/07

Saturday night the Korrupt party was very

Seriously though...I was pretty drunk by the end of the night...thankfully not in the "oh my god, this girl's a mess" way, but more in the "this is serious fun but I won't be able to remember why tomorrow" way.

The trouble started at my apartment at around 9:30 when Chuck and Greg came over. We shot the shit, had a few drinks, somehow wound up watching old footage of Prodigy on Youtube. Got to Studio B a little before 12. It was pretty empty. I think Max Pask was dj-ing at that point. I ran into my friend Dana from work which was awesome. Kept running into her throughout the evening. She introduced me to Larry Tee. He was very nice. Probably 45 minutes or so after were arrived DJ Ayres started his set. He was on for a while. I wasn't really too into either of their sets for some reason. We kept trying to figure out when Switch & Sinden were going to go on. Greg actually split early b/c he had to go to work the next day, so he didn't even get to see him. Dana split at some point too but I don't remember when. Sinden didn't wind up behind the decks until 2! I really liked the beginning of his set. He played a lot of stuff I knew I heard recently, but wasn't able to identify which was a nice change from all the stuff I've been used to hearing out. He played Beeper which was icing on the cake. At 3 Switch finally went on. By that point Chuck and I were gone. We had gotten there so early and weren't really getting down during the opening sets so we were drinking the whole time instead. Unfortunately it all caught up with us right when Switch started. I can't for the life of me remember a thing about his set, other than it being loud and good. I have no idea what tracks he played. It's like a big blank in my memory, all I remember is hitting the floor hard with Charles and it being over so quickly. Sorry folks, that's all I got.


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